Staff members may be added individually as they join your company or imported in bulk if you are new to Oases.
Article Sections
Additional Items
Custom Fields
Before adding or importing staff decide if you need any custom fields in the record to house your data.
Subjects & Levels
Add your subjects and levels to Oases before adding staff so that you may assign them to staff as the staff are added.
Specialist Areas
These too may be checked off as you add your staff.
Add Staff Member
1. From People in the main menu select staff.
2. Press the + NEW button and fill out the required preliminary information and press continue.
3. This will open a new staff record with your preliminary information and you can continue to add data.
4. If you have full access to staff records there are eight pages on the sub menu in a staff record:
- Contact
- Certifications
- Company
- Permissions
- Notes/Docs (with any custom fields created)
- Availability
- Activity
- Students
Input the required information on each tab by pressing edit. It is not necessary to save each tab as you move through this is done for you.
5. On the permissions tab set access level before creating the log in.
6. Create a login if required. (Only Admins & Coordinators may do this.)
7. Set any additional location permissions needed.
8. For a staff member to be considered active, make sure the tutor code on the company page is set to auto and any application packet items that are required are checked off.
9. Load a photo or have staff load their own photo via their login. You may also turn off the ability for staff to load their own picture.
10. The Activity & Students tab will populate as sessions are made and students assigned to this tutor.
11. The Student tab is divided into 3 sections:
Primary - Where the tutor is assigned in the primary Tutor field on the student Program tab.
Additional - Where the tutor is assigned in the Additional Tutors field on the student Program tab.
Visible - Where the tutor is not assigned but is on a session with the student and your database is set to release this student to the tutor in Config Settings > Staff > Tutor Student List is set to Assigned plus tutored.
Link To
SU04. Field Mapped Import - Most fields