Create and organize custom fields for your staff, student, parent records, Schedules and Sessions.
Oases has many default fields in records but you might need to record something specific and decide to create a custom field.
You may create custom fields for the Staff, Student and Parent records and all custom fields are displayed on the Notes/Docs tab underneath the notes and docs grids in the relevant records and are available in custom Reports.
Article Sections
- Create a Custom Field
- Type of Fields
- Dropdown Menu
- States, Grades, Countries in Dropdowns
- Find your new Custom Field
- Order of Display
- Section Dividers
Create a Custom Field
1. Go to Setup.
2. Select Custom Fields from the Other section.
3. The Custom Fields management page is divided into sections that contain custom fields.
4. To create a new field press Add New Field and a box will open to program your field.
5. For Location select which set of records the custom field is for.
Type of Fields
6. Select your field type from:
- TEXT - Short Text box.
- DATE - A date field with pop up calendar to select dates.
- TIME - A time field.
- DROPDOWN BOX - Create your field and available answers that will be in a drop down menu. (Do not use commas in desired responses). Or fill the dropdown with one of the provided lists of US States, Grades or Countries.
- CHECK BOX - a box to be checked.
- YES/NO - two buttons one yes, one no, to select. Also known as radio buttons.
- TEXT AREA - Large expanding text box for longer passages.
- LINK - Add an area that will contain a link to an external page.
7. In Field Name, name your field or ask the question that needs answering.
Dropdown Menu
8. If you opted for a Dropdown Box you will need to program the responses that will be available. Place your cursor in the option field and type the name of the option and enter. Repeat for other options.
NOTE: Do not use commas in your response Options
9. If you need to sort a dropdown list alphabetically, create your options then press the AZ icon to the left of the options area.
States, Grades, Countries in Dropdowns
10. Dropdown lists may also be auto-populated with the provided lists of US States, Grades or Countries. Just choose that option.
11. Press save.
Find your new Custom Field
12. People Records - All custom fields display on the Notes/Doc page for the relevant record type.
13. Schedules - Schedule Custom Fields display on the Details tab of the Schedule.
If set to display in Schedule Bid the custom fields will display on the right hand side when you open Tutor Search.
14. Sessions - Session Custom Fields display in their own section.
Order of Display
15. For multiple entries in one of the record types you can order them on the page by dragging the 3 black lines to the left of your field and dropping the row into the required order.
16. There will be two columns of fields on the notes docs page of the relevant record.
Section Dividers
17. For records where there are many custom fields you can divide them into blocks using Sections.
18. When choosing a new custom field select a type of section.
19. Add plain text or one of the following codes to Section HTML:
Plain Text
<hr />
<div class="alert alert-info">Section Name Here</div>
<div style="margin:10px 0px 10px 0px;background-color:#4f6df5;color:#ffffff;padding:5px 10px 5px 10px;border-radius:4px">Section Name Here</div>
These will produce:
- A plane text divider
- A line
- A large blue box with blue text
- A thin box with Oases colors and white text where you can change the color hex numbers to your company colors if required.
20. This will insert dividers as shown below on the set up page.
21. It will display in the record as shown below.