Create a Webform to accept staff applications directly to your Oases database and have Oases create the staff record in a program of your choice.
Article Sections
- To Have in Place
- Concierge Service
- Create Staff Webform
- First Form Field
- Add Section
- Add Form Fields
- Address Fields in Webform
- Verifying an Email Address
- Drop Down Menus
- Specialist Areas
- Uploading Documents
- Import Tutor Image
- Final Section
- Publish
- Edits
- View Live Form
- Viewing New Staff Records Created by Webform
To Have in Place
- A new page on your website to publish and display your form & the URL for this page.
- A Thank You page on your website with additional information or instructions for applicants and the URL for this page.
- Any Staff Custom Fields required to receive applicant info where an Oases field does not exist.
Concierge Service
When transitioning to a new platform the forms you have on your website are often the items you need to switch out early, in other words while you are not familiar with your new Oases platform. To save time while you are learning Oases we can create Custom Fields and your new Webform for you as part of our paid Concierge Service.
Concierge is billed at $50.00 per hour. Submit a support ticket with the name, type and fields required for your new Webfrom and we will quote to build it for you.
Create Staff Webform
1. In the main menu select: Setup > Other > Custom Webforms.
2. Select Add New Webform (or new customers can take over the sample staff webform by pressing the pencil) and the initial info box will open. Complete the info in the top section.
3. In the first field the Type of Form will be Staff.
4. Name your Form.
5. Add any Tags you wish to be added to the Staff record when added by Oases.
6. Select the destination Program. Consider a separate applicants program.
7. Add the URL of the thank you page. Do not leave this field blank. Add your home page URL if you are waiting for your new Thank you page.
8. Add the email of the person to be notified of submissions. You may add more than one email by comma separating the addresses with no space.
First Form Field
9. The first field of your form needs to be set to create the form. This will usually be First Name.
- Choose the field type of Text
- Field Name of First Name
- Check if it is a required field
- Validation rules leave blank
- Destination Field of First Name
If you would like a red asterisk for required fields add the following code to your Field Name after your name text.
<span style="color:red">*</span>
10. Press Save and your form is created and a row added on your Custom Webforms page.
11. Press the pencil to edit the items just entered or press on the row to continue adding fields to your form.
Add Section
12. Press on the row to open your new form and add a Section by pressing Add New Section and giving it a name and Save.
13. A section goes in as bold and you can now drag it to the top of your form.
Add Form Fields
14. Add more fields to your form by selecting Add New Field and repeating the process as shown below, adding sections where needed.
15. The way you build your fields must match the fields in Oases so the address will be built from separate fields as shown below. As the State in Oases is a drop-down so the State code will be a drop down menu (combo) type of field in the form. When you select State as a destination you don't have to type in all the States as options just select fill with US States.
Address Fields in Webform
16. Example of Name and Address fields in Webform.
Verifying an Email Address
17. If you want to verify the applicant's email address you will need two email fields to add an email and then repeat it for verification follow the verification instructions in WF06.
WF06. Verify an Email Address in a Webform
Drop Down Menus
18. If you have a drop-down menu in your application it must match the drop-down menu in Oases EXACTLY, whether it is one you created in your custom fields or one of the existing drop-downs such as gender or ethnic groups etc.
19. Program your drop-down responses exactly the same as you programmed your custom field responses or the existing Oases responses, adding the answers you want the applicant to select from.
The 'exact match' criteria includes capitalizations and symbols.
20. Select the Destination Field and type in the word CUSTOM if going to a custom field and your custom fields will filter and you can select the custom field that matches the custom Webform.
NOTE: If you select a date field it must be imported to a date field in Oases. It cannot be left as no import or be delivered to a text field.
Specialist Areas
21. To have applicants check off specialist areas create a check box field as shown below. All your specialist area destinations will be proceeded by SA: to make them easy to find. You will need to create a field for each one you wish to display.
DO NOT MAKE CHECK BOXES A REQUIRED ITEM. This forces the applicant to check the box even if it does not apply to them.
Uploading Documents
22. Only ONE document upload field may be used per form. However, this allows for 3 documents of up to 20MB each to be added and these will go to the document page of the new record. View WF03. Uploading Documents via Webform
Import Tutor Image
23. The Tutor Webform can import an image that Oases will display in the record in the image location.
24. Select Image Upload as the field type and for Field Name type instructions of the image you require.
25. There is no destination field required, Oases will deliver the image to the correct location automatically.
Final Section
26. Consider using a final section at the bottom of your form with any additional instructions.
27. Press the link icon at the top of your form and then select Copy to Clipboard.
28. Publish this code on a new page of your website or pass this to your web-master.
29. If you don't have a website copy the link to email to prospects/applicants.
30. If you make a change to your form in Oases you do not need to re-publish the code snippet. It will update dynamically.
View Live Form
31. You may now view your form on your new website page. Test your form before adding it to a live menu on your site making any changes as required in Oases.
32. You may style your form using your website theme's CSS.
33. Oases will email you when you have applications to view, using the email address set in your webform setup.
Viewing New Staff Records Created by Webform
34. Records created by a staff webform will have a status of HR. To view them go to Staff list and press Filter. Then change Show Active menu to HR. Remember to assign a new location and change the staff status to Auto when they are ready to tutor.
Link To
SU01. Create a Custom Program/Location
WF03. Uploading Documents via WebForm
WF04. Drop-Down Menus in WebForms
WF05. Address Fields in WebForms
WF06. Verify an Email Address in WebForms
WF07. WordPress & WebForms - a warning
WF08. Create a Customer Enrollment WebForm
WF09. Create a WebForm to Add a Student to an Existing Customer