You may wish to include an email address on a Webform and ask that your applicant or enrollee verify the email address.
Article Sections
You may request and verify one email address per form only.
Add Fields
1. You will need two email fields to add an email and verify it. Add your first email field with the destination of Username (email 1) as shown below for a staff email or the relevant field for a student or customer. The validation will be valid_email.
2. Press on the validation question mark as shown in the image above and make a note of what Oases has called this field. This information is at the very top of the validation information pop up. In this case it's called home_email for a tutor application example.
The Verification Field
3. Next create your verify email field. This must be a required item. There will be no destination so leave as NO IMPORT. Select the validation question mark and look for the MATCHES validation rule by pressing the validation question mark.
4. Copy the code in the example and paste it into the validation box. If you are using Chrome you will need to make a note of the item and type it in.
5. Now replace the other_element text with the name of the first email field that you noted. For this example home_email as shown. Press save.
6. This will ensure that the applicant types the same email into the fields when filling out the form. If an error is made it will be pointed out to your applicant upon submission of the form.
Link To
WF02. Create a Staff Application Form
WF03. Uploading Documents via Webform
WF04. Drop-Down Menus in Webforms
WF05. Address Fields in Webforms
WF07. WordPress & Webforms - a warning
WF08. Create a Customer Enrollment Webform
WF09. Create a Webform to Add a Student to an Existing Customer