If you schedule your own sessions you will need to create a session via TutorPlace.
The ability to add sessions is controlled by your employer so this function may be turned off.
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Create Session
Your sessions may be created for you by the office, but if you need to schedule sessions you can create one session as shown below. If you need to make a schedule of repeating sessions please see: TC12. TutorPlace - Schedules
1. Arrow the calendar to the week that includes the day you wish to make a session.
2. Click on the day and time in the calendar where you wish to add a session to open the pop-up.
3. In the pop up select the student name. If you don't see the student name the student has not been assigned to you. Check with your employer.
Session Creation may be restricted to students with credit. If you see the alert below please advise your customer to contact the office for more hours.
4. In the Schedule field you can add this session to an existing schedule for the student or mark it as not part of a schedule - a stand alone session. If you are not sure, please ask your employer.
5. When the schedule information is selected as Not part of a schedule, the session type, location, date, time and duration boxes will appear. Only the permitted locations for a student will appear and the session type might be filtered to the student's needs as well. If you have any questions please check with your employer.
Check you chose the right date and start time on the calendar and adjust the duration if required.
6. If a schedule is chosen in the Schedule field the session type and location will be taken automatically from the existing schedule and you need only check the date time and duration.
7. When all is complete press Create Session and the session is added to the calendar.
8. Hover over the session in the calendar for a summary or press it to open it up and add/check information.
9. Using the icons at the bottom of the session you can:
- People Icon (on left) - Create or open a LessonSpace Meeting Room
- Book Icon - Add Subjects & Levels
- File Icon - Open Custom Fields and add data if required
- Pencil Icon - Make a private note that is not customer facing
- Up Arrow Icon - Upload a document to the session
10. Press Details to check the Instructional Focus Code for the session.
11. If required you can split the attendance by pressing plus and adding the second code and changing the Attendance to add up to the duration of the session (as shown next to student name)
Add Students for a Group Session
12. If this is a group session you can press the student icon and select additional students. Only names in blue may be pressed and added. If you have questions please contact your employer.
13. A group session will contain more than one student panel. Make sure the attendance is shown after each student name and if not, press Details to add the student attendance.
Student Name Color
14. Student names in a session can change color depending on the type of student and the hours they have used or have left.
- Blue - Hours In Credit
- Red - All pre-purchased hours have been scheduled (not necessarily completed yet)
- Orange - Nearly all pre-purchased hours have been scheduled
- Green - Open scheduling, pay as you go invoicing after tutoring
15. Hover over the names for a pop up with hours information.
Schedule Access
16. It is possible for your employer to give tutors access to Schedules to create multiple sessions for a student or group of students within a schedule. You will be advised if this is the case. Tutorial TC12. TutorPlace - Schedules gives instructions on creating a schedule and creating sessions via that schedule.
Time Zones
17. Every Program in Oases has a time zone, and the session will be made in the time zone of the Program, regardless of the time zone of you or the student. When creating a session from the calendar Oases TutorPlace will automatically adjust the start time to that of the Program. The calendar will display your session in local calendar time.
For the graphic below the EST based tutor selected 3pm local time in the calendar and the session time auto adjusted.
When a session has taken place it needs to be closed out. See TC05. TutorPlace - Session Close Out (4 mins)
Please press here if you don't see the video below
Link To
TC02. TutorPlace - Login & Communication
TC05. TutorPlace - Session Close Out
TC06. TutorPlace - Add Student Test
TC07. TutorPlace - Create Learning Plan
TC08. TutorPlace - Create Progress Report
TC09. TutorPlace - Online Meetings with Lessonspace