When you have completed your Oases rollout for your existing operation you may wish to import historic data for customers or staff that used to work with you for record keeping or in case they return.
Article Sections
- What can be imported
- What needs to be in Place before Importing Historic Data
- Tags
- Hours for Importing Sessions
- Concierge Import
What can be imported
Staff records may be imported as Inactive for your files.
Student records with linked customer records may be imported as Inactive for your records.
When historic student records are in Oases, Sessions may be imported for those students.
What needs to be in Place before Importing Historic Data
Check the following before importing historic data:
- Your live operation has been implemented successfully
- Your records contain any custom fields required to receive historic data
- If different from live operation, session types have been created for sessions.
- Any students (active or inactive) or tutors (active or inactive) need to be in Oases before importing historic sessions
Consider adding a tag to your imported records for Student & Staff imports as this will allow you to filter to just those records after import for checking. Create the tag in Oases prior to adding it to your import.
The student field mapped import has a column for a student tag and a tag for the linked customer record.
1. Go to: Setup - Other - Tags.
2. Press on Student Tags - Add New Student Tag - Create tag such as HistoricImport1.
3. Press on Parent Tags - Add New Parent Tag - Create tag to match the student tag.
4. When completing your Field Mapped import spreadsheet place the tag in the Student Tags and the Parent Tags column.
5. If importing in batches create a different tag for each batch to allow you to filter quickly and simply to your latest import, should you need to include manual edits or delete the entire import for any reason.
The same process may be followed for Staff imports.
Hours for Importing Sessions
When you import historic student records the Student Field Mapped import can be used to allocate hours to the student for the session hours at the time you import the historic students. This is not mandatory and the negative hours can be dealt with after the session import.
6. Go to Setup - Data Import - Field Mapped Import
7. Press the Export Available Fields button on the student row.
8. The import spreadsheet may be populated in the normal way, but there are column headers for each of your session types. Adding a number to this column for a student will release that number of hours for the session type to the student. Oases does this by creating a zero value invoice. This invoice will not be emailed to your old customers if you have automatic emailing of invoices set in your database.
To Note
9. Double check you are importing your students with Inactive in the Active Status column.
10. Set the Credit Limit column to Zero in the Student Import Spreadsheet to prevent imported sessions being pulled to Invoice Outstanding.
Concierge Import
11. If you would like us to perform your imports or migrate data from downloaded files we can do this as part of our paid Concierge Service. Please submit a support ticket with the information/files and we will review the information and let you know the price before proceeding.
Link To
SU04b. Import Staff, Students & Sessions with Field Mapped Imports