How to create a Pay Period Reimbursement Report by staff member that adds all reimbursements from the sessions for the pay period. Giving you a total to add when closing out payroll.
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To Have In Place
You must have the session reimbursement box available to admins for this report to work. You may activate this in Setup - Config Settings - Sessions.
Create Report
1. Go To: Tools > Custom Reports > Create New Report > New Session Report.
2. From Available Fields select the following fields as a minimum:
- Session ID
- Session Date
- Primary Tutor
- Reimbursement
3. Set the grouping to Primary Tutor.
Add Rules
4. Set the following rules:
- Session date between your payroll period
- Reimbursement greater or equal to 0.01
5. Press preview to see your totals for each staff member and export if required.
6. Press Save As and name and save your report.