How to cancel payroll in Oases.
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Reasons to Cancel Payroll
1. There is an error in the payroll such as a bonus or reimbursement was not added, or the incorrect pay group was assigned to the tutor.
2. There is an error in a session that needs to be corrected and the session is locked because of payroll.
Cancel Payroll
3. In the payroll area select the relevant pay period.
4. Filter to the relevant tutor by searching the list using last name. Remove the check mark from Filtered if you don't see your tutor.
5. If you have already paid the tutor make a note of the balance in the Total column.
6. If there is an amount in the Other column press on the staff member's name to open the pay summary and make a note of any manual adjustment information.
7. Place a check mark to the left of this staff member.
8. In the Actions menu that appears when staff are checked select Cancel Pay Selected.
9. The row will revert to show as unpaid sessions. Any changes you have made to pay groups or the sessions in this date range, since closing out the payroll will update automatically.
Make Corrections
10. If required, make any changes or corrections to the tutor's pay group, custom student pay rate or the sessions feeding the payroll row and return to payroll. Select your filters again and check the amounts are correct.
Re-Close Payroll
11. When correct close out the payroll row again remembering to add back in any manual adjustment amounts required.
12. Compare the total to the total prior to cancelling payroll.
13. Any differences will need to be added as a negative or positive manual adjustment to the next payroll close out.