The document library is used to store blank document copies or links that your staff or customers may need to download.
Article Sections
The Document library can store generic items such as:
- Blank forms for customers to complete
- Blank forms for staff to complete
- Test papers and other worksheets used by tutors to deliver service
- Links to external resources
- Links to internal resources such as google docs
Completed paperwork specific to a staff member or student is saved to the document area of the relevant record.
Create Document Categories
1. In the main menu select: Tools > Documents.
2. Click the Setup button on the right hand side.
3. To create a new category, click New Category at the bottom of page.
4. Change Category Name from New Category to the name required.
5. Use the check sliders to denote the levels that will be able to access this category.
6. Save.
7. Check your new category is in the menu.
8. You may now upload documents to your new category.
Warning About Deleting a Category
9. Deleting a category will delete all associated documents.
Editing A Category
10. Press Setup on Documents page.
11. Select the Category you wish to edit.
12. Add or remove check marks for the access levels to view the category and contents as required.
13. Change category name if required.
14. Delete a document or link if required.
15. Press save.