Create Programs or activate Districts to compartmentalize your business into cost centers or geographical areas.
Activating a pre-loaded School District will also allow you to activate pre-loaded schools.
Each Oases database will start with one program active that we name after your business but you may need to add a program for contracts or metro areas.
Article Sections
- Activate a School District or Reactivate Program
- Create a Program
- Rename the Default Location in a new Program
- Add New Service Delivery Location to Your New Program
Activate a School District or Reactivate a Program
1. In the main menu select: Setup > Locations > Programs/Locations > Select State for Location.
2. If not already loaded press Load This State.
3. Confirm and when operation complete select the name of the state in the drop down menu again. The list of school districts will show in the left menu.
4. To activate a school district you are working with, scroll to the name of the district and press on the name. This will load the schools on the right side of the page. Please note that if districts and schools are not updated in the National Education Statistics database they will not be present, but don't worry you can load them manually.
5. If you are working with a school change the red x to a green check by pressing it. Or turn all schools on by pressing the green check at the top. This will automatically change the district to active and move it to the top of the list on the left.
6. A green check mark to the left of a district represents that at least one school in that district is active. The red X means that there are no schools in that district that are active and as such the district is inactive.
7. If you are not working with a school district you don't need to load them and can proceed with creating your own programs.
Create a Program
8. With the state selected at the top of the Programs/Location page: Setup > Locations > Programs/Locations > Select State for Location.
9. Press the Plus by Select Program.
10. A new active location will appear at the top of the list called New Program Name.
11. Press twice in this field to activate the naming field.
12. Name your new Program and press Enter. Log out of Oases and back in for this change to populate your database.
13. Programs you add yourself will generate with one default service location called In Home which you can rename, see below.
Rename the Default Location in a new Program
13. In the main menu select: Locations > select Program > Associated Locations.
If this is a location you have just created make sure you have logged out and back in.
14. Press the pencil on the right of the location panel.
15. Rename your location and add additional details as required.
Add New Service Delivery Location to Your New Program
16. In the main menu select: Locations > select Program > Associated Locations.
17. Press New name and enter details for your new service delivery location.