Contract funded student names are usually provided in spreadsheet format by the contracting agency so you will benefit from importing this list.
However, you may wish to add a late starter or small list manually.
Please see Adding a Private Pay Student for non funded tutoring (paid for by an individual).
SP01. Adding a Private Pay Student, Parent & Sibling
Article Sections
Import Student List
Use the following tutorial for assistance.
SU04b. Import Staff & Students with Field Mapped Import
Enter a Contract Funded Agency Student
1. In the main menu select: People > Students.
2. Press the New button top right of the student list.
3. Fill in the pop-up box with the required items paying particular attention to the student active status.
It is not necessary for an agency student to have an attached customer record as the invoices are created for the agency rather than the parent or customer. Therefore only the left hand side needs to be completed.
If you do wish to create an attached parent or link to an existing parent record you may do so on the right hand side of the pop up.
4. This will open a blank student record for you to complete. The information from the preliminary fields will be present.
5. Update the student's enrollment type. Press Edit on the Info tab and change Enroll Type from Private to ELT or SES to match the program allocated to the student.
6. If an enrollment type of SES is selected then the hours grid is now active on the student's program tab. If the hours and per pupil allocation of funds is different for each student in the program add these here.
If all students in the SES program are receiving the same service hours and funds add them for all students on the Location Program page and leave this section empty in the student record.
7. If you are adding different hours for a student than those programmed on the Location Program page, add the total hours for the student in Maximum Hours and the total budget for the student in PPA Override.
Again, only do this if the students have hours that differ and are not the same as any limits set on the Locations Program page.
SS02. Adding Service Hours and Per Pupil allocation.
8. When you are finished press close the edit and record and check the student's hours and funds in the student list by pressing the shuffle icon. An SES style student will have a figure in the Hours Left column from which they will count down.
An ELT style student will have an N/A in the hours left as the hours and funds are per contract and not per student.
Link To
SP01. Adding a Private Pay Student, Parent & Sibling
SU04a. Data Import using Templates
SU04b. Import Staff & Students with Field Mapped Import