How to add a new service delivery location to a Program or edit an existing location.
If the new location you require is for a school within an activated school district you can activate the pre-loaded school in Set Up.
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Add a Session Location
If you want to add a session location that is not a school to a Program or a School District.
1. In the menu select: Locations > Select Program > Associated Locations.
2. Press New and name the new location and press Add Record.
Edit a Location
3. To edit your new or an existing location press on the pencil on the Associated Location tab.
4. Add an address and principal or managers information. The lat long will enter automatically based on the address.
5. If this location must not be double booked check this item.
6. Assign a calendar color if necessary.
Location Permissions
7. To give location permission for the new location to all staff and students in the Program, press on the icons to the right of the location panel.