Entering payments for private pay customers
Article Sections
- Browser Warning
- Open Customer Record
- Add Payment
- Log Advance Payments (Deposits)
- Email Payment Receipts
- Paid Invoices
- Create Additional Payment Types
Browser Warning
Only have one browser tab logged into Oases when adding payments.
Open Customer Record
1. Enter the Customer Record via People or Private Invoicing.
2. Select the Billing Tab.
Add Payment
3. Select New Payment and the payment box will open.
4. Confirm or Edit the information in the top 4 fields:
- Reference - you can add data after the reference if required.
- Date
- Payment Type - You may create additional payment types: Setup > Other > Payment Types.
- Payment Amount
Do not write the amount in the invoice row. This will auto-fill.
5. Any outstanding invoices will be listed below. Select the invoice/s to which you wish to apply the payment by clicking the slider.
6. The payment amount will auto-fill.
7. Press Add Payment.
8. If your bill to party or the selected invoice is set to Hold for Payment the hours will be released when a payment is allocated to the invoice.
Log Advance Payments (Deposits)
9. If a customer is paying in advance of an invoice being created or all current invoices are paid, the amount will be unallocated.
10. In this instance when you do create an invoice you may re-open the payment and apply it to the invoice so that it will not show as unpaid on the invoice list. You may also bulk apply unallocated payments at the end of the day.
11. You can check unallocated payments by checking the Unallocated column in the Payments tab.
12. You may also bulk apply unallocated payments to any available invoices in bulk from the Customer Tab in private invoicing. This is recommended daily housekeeping.
Email Payment Receipts
13. If Email Payments is set to enabled in Config Settings the payment receipt will be emailed as soon as the payment is saved.
14. You may print or email a single receipt by printing from inside the payment or print or email bulk receipts by printing or emailing from the payments tab.
Paid Invoices
15. Invoices with a payment applied will include a PAID stamp at the top when printed or emailed.
Create Additional Payment Types
16. Admins may create additional payment types via Setup > Other > Payment Types.
Link To
SU25. Accept Credit Cards Through Oases